We are delighted to launch the ‘Planetary AI’ project funded by the United Kingdom Research and Innovation Grant (MR/Y017706/1). The project will be mapping the value chains or production networks of artificial intelligence systems and their implications on our economy, society, and environment. We have a diverse and internationally recognised team across four continents who are experts in different aspect of AI, value chains, decolonial theory, development studies. The team will driven by the ethos of co-creation and co-design at every aspect of the project. The project will be supported by an advisory board members who are leading thinkers in the field of AI, data work, critical data studies, and science and technology studies.
The first phase of the project will map the human labour behind AI or commonly referred as data work, lead by a Research Fellow. The second phase led by another Research Fellow will involve data materiality and environmental cost of AI in the Majority World.
Stay tuned for more updates.
Planetary AI Team.